
Tailored Implants Made of PVDF


Einschränkungen „A“ Tierversuch, „B“ Laborversuch, „VIT“ In-vitro-Versuch,
„P“ veröffentlichte Ergebnisse auf der Grundlage der Analyse
von menschlichen Mesh-Explantaten, „PB“ veröffentlichte Ergebnisse
hauptsächlich auf der Grundlage von Laborversuchen
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Internal Test Reports
TR1. CF_F02 Biocompatibility
TR10. I1_F03-01_SIS1_X Stability and Elongation (bench test)
TR11. I1_F03-02_SIS1_X Porosity and Formstability (bench test)
TR12. I1_F03-03_SIS1_X Formstability (bench test)
TR13. I1_F03-01-12_SIS1_X Loop Stability (bench test)
TR21. H1_F03-01-03_END1_X Tear Propagation Resistance (bench test)
TR23. H1_F03-01-05_END1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR31. H1_F03-01-03_CIC1_X Tear Propagation Resistance (bench test)
TR33. H1_F03-01-05_CIC1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR35. H1_F03-01-07_CIC1_X Rationale for Technical Specifications (bench test)
TR38. H1_F03-01-01_CIC1_X Tensile Test Elongation (bench test)
TR50. H1_F03-01-01_HIA1_X Tensile Test Elongation (bench test)
TR51. H1_F03-01-05_HIA1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR62. H1_F03-01-03_IPO1_X Tear Propagation Resistance (bench test)
TR64. H1_F03-01-05_IPO1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR71. H1_F03-01-05_IPS1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR82. H1_F03-01-03_LIC1_X Tear Propagation Resistance (bench test)
TR82. H1_F03-01-05_LIC1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR100. P1_F03-01-01_BSA1_X Tensile Test and Elongation (bench test)
TR101. P1_F03-01-05_BSA1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR110. P1_F03-01-01_PR1_X Tensile Test and Elongation (bench test)
TR111. P1_F03-01-05_PR1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR120. P1_F03-01-01_PRP1_X Tensile Test and Elongation (bench test)
TR121. P1_F03-01-05_PRP1_X Porosity (bench test)
TR130. P1_F03-01-01_PRS1_X Tensile Test and Elongation (bench test)
TR132. P1_F03-01-05_PRS1_X Porosity (bench test)